Quality Assurance Analyst
Kieran Harker
Meet Kieran Harker, SourceCodeStudio’s talented Quality Assurance Analyst. Since joining the team in July 2023 as an apprentice, Kieran has successfully completed his apprenticeship, earning his place as a key team member. His dedication, technical expertise, and enthusiastic approach to projects have made a lasting impact.
Before SourceCodeStudio, Kieran honed his leadership and technical skills in roles as an Assistant Manager at Game and a Teacher of ICT and Computer Science. His journey into the SourceCodeStudio team was met with open arms, where the collaborative and supportive atmosphere allowed him to thrive from day one.
Outside work, Kieran enjoys a vibrant life filled with music gigs, festivals, gaming, and relaxing walks with his dog. He’s also a proud Mental Health First Aider Champion, showcasing his commitment to fostering a caring and supportive environment both in and out of the office.
Kieran’s lively personality and humour bring a unique energy to the team, including his amusing “claim to fame”—James Veck-Gilodi from Deaf Havana still owes him a lighter! Now, as a fully-fledged Quality Assurance Analyst, Kieran is an indispensable part of SourceCodeStudio’s journey, and his contributions continue to shape the company’s success.