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Top 6 Must-Have Features for Every Modern Business Website

Web Design

8 minute read

a man at a desk with and office exploding in the background

In today’s digital world, a well-designed and functional business website is essential for the success of small to medium-sized enterprises. It serves as a powerful platform to showcase products, build credibility, and compete in the market. Businesses without an effective online presence risk missing out on opportunities and losing customers to competitors. On the other hand, an outdated or poorly functioning website can harm a business’s reputation, lower search engine rankings, and deter potential customers.

This comprehensive guide explores the top 5 must-have features for every modern business website. From mobile responsiveness and intuitive navigation to compelling calls-to-action and fast-loading performance, we provide valuable insights to elevate your website’s impact. Embracing these features will help you establish a strong online presence, engage your audience, and stay ahead in the digital era. Let’s unlock the full potential of your website and pave the way for digital success.

mobile with information visually exploding from the screen

Feature 1: Mobile Responsiveness

The rise of mobile devices has had a profound impact on internet browsing habits, with mobiles accounting for over half of web traffic worldwide. In the first quarter of 2023, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated a substantial 58.33 per cent of global website traffic, consistently surpassing the 50 per cent mark since 2017 and continuing to dominate internet usage.

Steps to Ensure Website Optimisation

For small to medium-sized businesses looking to optimise their websites for mobile devices, it’s crucial to conduct thorough testing across various screen sizes and devices. Ensuring that all elements, such as images, text, and navigation, adapt seamlessly to different screens is paramount. Consistency in user experience regardless of the device used is key to success.

Tools for Mobile Responsiveness Testing

To facilitate the optimisation process, businesses can utilise online tools designed for mobile responsiveness testing. These tools enable testing on multiple devices and offer insights into potential improvements. Some reliable tools include Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, BrowserStack, and Screenfly.

By prioritising mobile responsiveness, businesses can enhance user engagement, retain visitors, and position themselves for success in a mobile-driven world.

a man in a fantasy world with screens all around him

Feature 2: Intuitive Navigation

Intuitive navigation plays a vital role in creating a positive user experience on a website. By providing visitors with a clear and organized layout, they can quickly grasp the site’s purpose, easily find relevant information, and navigate through various sections effortlessly. The seamless user journey fosters engagement and encourages users to explore more of what the website has to offer, ultimately leading to increased satisfaction and higher conversion rates. Additionally, a well-designed navigation menu enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the site, making it appear more professional and user-friendly.

Best Practices for Organising Menus and Links

To ensure easy navigation, businesses should adhere to certain best practices in organising menus and links. The navigation menu should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and responsive to different screen sizes and devices. Using a legible font size of at least 12 pixels and avoiding narrow scripts and fonts helps enhance readability. Organising the navigation into clear categories with up to seven items simplifies the user’s decision-making process. For websites with a substantial number of pages, incorporating main, second, and third-level dropdown menus helps organise the navigation and improve user accessibility.

By implementing these best practices, businesses can create a website that offers a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience, increasing user engagement and positively influencing their overall perception of the brand.

a hand reaching out to press a red button

Feature 3: Compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Crafting compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) is a strategic art that wields the power to drive website conversions and boost user engagement. To entice users and encourage them to take action, businesses must employ persuasive techniques in their CTAs.

Creating Persuasive CTAs

To create persuasive and effective CTAs, businesses should employ action-oriented language that spurs immediate responses. Strong action verbs like “Buy Now,” “Subscribe,” or “Get Started” instil a sense of urgency, prompting users to act without hesitation. Moreover, clearly communicating the value users will gain from clicking the CTA is crucial. Highlighting the benefits of the action reinforces the idea that taking the step is worth their while.

Strategic Placement and Design

The strategic placement and design of CTAs play a pivotal role in influencing user behaviour. Positioning CTAs above the fold, where they are immediately visible without the need to scroll, ensures that users are drawn to the call-to-action from the moment they land on the page. Additionally, placing CTAs at the end of engaging content or on essential landing pages can capture users’ attention when they are most receptive to taking action.

Enhancing User Engagement

Employing visually appealing buttons with contrasting colours that stand out from the rest of the page enhances the CTA’s visibility and clickability. By creating an appealing design and combining it with persuasive language, businesses can effectively motivate users to click through, ultimately driving conversions and achieving their business goals.

With a well-crafted and strategically placed CTA, businesses can elevate user engagement, increase conversions, and guide website visitors towards meaningful interactions that support their objectives.

performance speed dial showing power

Feature 4: Fast-Loading Performance

A website’s loading speed significantly impacts user experience and overall satisfaction. Fast-loading websites not only retain visitors but also positively impact search engine rankings. Real-life examples of businesses that have successfully improved engagement through website speed optimisation are abundant. Here are a few noteworthy instances:


In 2012, Walmart discovered that every 1-second delay in website load time resulted in a 2% decrease in conversions. To combat this, they implemented website speed optimisation strategies, including image compression, code optimisation, and the use of a content delivery network. As a result, Walmart saw a 2% increase in conversions for every 1-second improvement in load time.


In 2013, Pinterest identified that their website load times were too slow for mobile users, leading to decreased engagement and user satisfaction. To address this, they undertook mobile-specific speed optimisation strategies, such as lazy loading and asynchronous JavaScript. Consequently, Pinterest experienced a 40% decrease in wait time and a 15% increase in sign-ups.


In 2017, AutoAnything, an online retailer of automotive parts and accessories, implemented website speed optimisation strategies, including image optimisation, caching, and CDN usage. As a result, they observed a 12% increase in conversions and a 13% increase in pageviews.


Mobify, a mobile customer engagement platform, saw a remarkable 1.11% increase in conversions for every 100ms improvement in load time. To achieve these improvements, they implemented a range of speed optimisation strategies, including image optimisation, asynchronous JavaScript loading, and the use of a content delivery network.

These real-life examples demonstrate the tangible benefits of website speed optimisation in enhancing user engagement and overall business success. By prioritising website speed and implementing effective optimisation strategies, businesses can improve user experience, increase conversions, and ultimately, achieve greater success in the digital landscape.

eye showing a city

Feature 5: Engaging Visual Content

Integrating engaging visual content is a key strategy for businesses to boost user engagement on their websites. By utilising visual elements like charts, graphs, and images, businesses can effectively convey complex data sets, making information more accessible and understandable for their audience. Additionally, visuals have the power to evoke emotions and create a sense of connection with users, fostering a more compelling and immersive browsing experience.

Types of Engaging Visual Content

To capture users’ attention and encourage interaction, businesses can leverage various types of visual content. Some successful formats include high-quality images that resonate with the brand’s identity, attention-grabbing videos that showcase products or services, informative infographics that present data in a visually appealing manner, and interactive presentations that invite users to explore further. Screenshots, gifs, memes, and comics are also effective in adding a touch of creativity and humour to engage users on a more personal level.

By prioritising engaging visual content, businesses can create a more captivating user experience, increase time spent on their website, and establish a stronger connection with their target audience. Investing in high-quality visuals enhances brand perception and contributes to a memorable and appealing online presence.

a single red umbrella in a crowd of grey umbrellas

Feature 6: Social Proof and Testimonials

Incorporating social proof and testimonials is a powerful method for businesses to build trust with potential customers and enhance credibility. Positive reviews, testimonials, and star ratings provide firsthand testimony from satisfied customers, instilling confidence in prospective buyers about the quality of products or services. This user-generated social proof reassures potential customers that others have had positive experiences, making them more likely to take action.

Impactful Social Proof

Testimonials, in both video and written form, have proven to be a highly impactful type of social proof. They offer authentic accounts of customers’ experiences, providing concrete evidence to back up claims made about a business’s offerings. Testimonials can increase conversions on sales pages by as much as 34%, demonstrating the significant influence they have on driving user engagement and encouraging action.

By featuring testimonials on landing pages, businesses can substantiate their claims and increase the conversion rate, boosting user confidence in the brand. By strategically incorporating social proof and testimonials, businesses can foster a sense of trust and credibility, ultimately driving conversions and establishing a loyal customer base. Highlighting positive experiences from past customers helps potential buyers feel more confident in their decision to choose the business’s products or services.


In today’s competitive digital landscape, the success of small to medium-sized businesses hinges on a well-crafted and functional website. Through the incorporation of six must-have features, businesses can unlock the full potential of their online presence and foster meaningful connections with their target audience.

Book Your Free 30-Minute Discovery Session

Ready to take your website to the next level and unlock its true potential? Book a free 30-minute discovery session with SourceCodeStudio, where our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your unique business needs and tailor a website that represents your brand with excellence. Let us help you create an engaging, high-performance website that drives conversions and leads your business towards digital success. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your online presence and stand out in the digital arena. Book your free discovery session now!
