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Why are bespoke websites so expensive?

Web Design

14 minute read

Bespoke website on Laptop

In a world brimming with cutting-edge digital advancements, it’s no wonder that bespoke websites come with a higher price tag. Rather than scratching your head in bewilderment, let’s embark on an enlightening journey to understand the true worth of these exceptional websites and the multitude of benefits they bring.

In this captivating article, we delve into the reasons behind the costs, shed light on key factors to consider when preparing for your website project and showcase the remarkable value that bespoke websites offer. It’s time to shift our perspective and appreciate the extraordinary efforts poured into crafting a tailor-made online presence.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we explore the limitless possibilities of bespoke websites. Discover how this investment can propel your online presence to new heights, outshine your competitors, and establish you as the virtual trailblazer that everyone envies. Get ready to witness firsthand the transformative power of a bespoke website and unlock a realm of unparalleled online success!

Contents: Click to skip to what you’re looking for.

  1. Why are bespoke websites more expensive than off-the-shelf websites?
  2. What are the steps involved in creating a bespoke website?
  3. What are the factors that contribute to the cost of a bespoke website?
  4. How much does a bespoke website typically cost?
  5. How long does it take to build a website?
  6. What is the average life of a website?
  7. Which pages of a website are most popular?
  8. What is the most expensive website ever built?
  9. Summary
Woman on laptop researching design

Why are bespoke websites more expensive than off-the-shelf websites?

If you’ve ever compared the price tags of bespoke websites and off-the-shelf alternatives, you may have wondered why bespoke options come at a higher cost. Prepare to be enlightened as we uncover the undeniable advantages that make bespoke websites a worthwhile investment.

When it comes to off-the-shelf websites, they offer a quick and affordable solution that may seem tempting at first glance. 

However, they often come with limitations that hinder your online success. These limitations include generic designs, limited customisation options, and a lack of flexibility to accommodate your unique brand identity and business requirements.

On the other hand, bespoke websites offer a world of possibilities that set them apart. Here’s why they command a higher price:

  1. Tailored to Perfection: Bespoke websites are built from the ground up, tailored specifically to reflect your brand’s personality and align with your business objectives. Every aspect, from design to functionality, is meticulously crafted to create a seamless and engaging user experience.
  2. Unleash Your Creativity: With a bespoke website, you have the freedom to unleash your creative vision. You can work closely with skilled designers and developers who understand your goals, bringing your ideas to life and ensuring your website stands out from the crowd.
  3. Scalability and Future-Proofing: Off-the-shelf solutions often lack the flexibility to accommodate your evolving business needs. In contrast, bespoke websites are designed with scalability in mind. They can easily adapt to accommodate growth, integrate new features, and embrace emerging technologies, saving you from the costly process of rebuilding or migrating in the future.
  4. Unparalleled Performance: Bespoke websites are optimised for speed, performance, and search engine visibility. The meticulous coding and attention to detail ensure that your website delivers a superior user experience, leading to increased engagement, conversions, and ultimately, business success.
  5. Long-Term Cost Savings: While the initial investment for a bespoke website may be higher, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits. Off-the-shelf solutions often require costly add-ons or extensions to meet your evolving needs, whereas bespoke websites are tailored to fit your requirements from the start, saving you from future expenses.

So, when evaluating the cost of bespoke websites, remember that they offer a level of customisation, functionality, and future-proofing that off-the-shelf alternatives simply cannot match. By investing in a bespoke website, you are investing in your brand’s uniqueness, online visibility, and long-term success. Embrace the value of bespoke and witness how it becomes the cornerstone of your digital presence, setting you apart from the competition and capturing the hearts of your audience with unrivalled excellence!

Designer working on a web design

What are the steps involved in creating a bespoke website?

Have you ever wondered why websites come with a substantial price tag? The answer lies in the intricate processes involved in building a website, which requires a fusion of technical expertise and creative skills. These skills are honed over years of dedication, making them invaluable and deserving of their fees.

When you delve into the various stages of a website project, you’ll truly grasp the level of specialised knowledge required. Let’s explore these stages together:

  • Design & Planning: Crafting an appealing and user-centric website requires meticulous planning and thoughtful design.
  • Development & Coding: Skilled developers work tirelessly to bring your website to life, writing complex code and ensuring seamless functionality.
  • Quality Assurance & Testing: Rigorous testing is conducted to guarantee a flawless user experience, involving meticulous bug fixing and performance optimisation.
  • Ongoing Maintenance & Hosting Needs: Websites require continuous maintenance and reliable hosting services to ensure smooth operation and security.

It’s important to note that the web project team invests countless hours beyond your project requirements, conducting extensive research and finding innovative ways to implement your vision. They bear the responsibility for these additional investigations without passing the cost onto you.

The level of design, development, planning, consideration, and attention to detail involved in each stage contributes to the overall project cost. This investment guarantees a website that not only meets your expectations but also surpasses them, delivering exceptional results and positioning you for online success.

So, when you ponder the cost of a website, remember the remarkable expertise and effort poured into every aspect of its creation. Embrace the value that comes with a thoughtfully crafted website and witness how it becomes a catalyst for achieving your digital goals with unmatched excellence!

Discussion about web design

What are the factors that contribute to the cost of a bespoke website?

The cost of a bespoke website is influenced by various factors that contribute to its uniqueness and effectiveness. Let’s explore some of these key factors:

Customisation and Personalisation

Bespoke websites are tailored specifically to your business needs, brand identity, and target audience. The cost reflects the extensive customisation and personalization required to create a website that stands out from generic off-the-shelf alternatives. This level of customisation ensures that your website truly represents your brand and delivers a unique user experience.

Expertise and Specialised Skills

Developing a bespoke website requires a high level of expertise and specialised skills. Professional designers and developers invest years of training and experience to deliver exceptional results. The cost accounts for their expertise in areas such as user experience design, responsive web development, and advanced functionality implementation, ensuring a top-notch website that meets your business goals.

Advanced Features and Functionality

Bespoke websites often include advanced features and functionalities tailored to your specific requirements. Whether it’s a complex e-commerce system, membership portal, or interactive elements, these custom-built features add value to your website but require additional time and effort to develop. The cost reflects the investment in creating and integrating these unique features.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

Bespoke websites are designed with scalability in mind, allowing for future growth and expansion. The cost takes into account the careful planning and architectural considerations needed to ensure that your website can accommodate future updates and enhancements without the need for a complete overhaul. This future-proofing saves you money in the long run and provides a solid foundation for your online presence.

Quality Assurance and Support

Building a bespoke website involves thorough quality assurance and testing to ensure its functionality, responsiveness, and compatibility across different devices and browsers. Additionally, ongoing support and maintenance services are typically included to keep your website secure, up-to-date, and optimised. The cost covers these essential aspects to provide a reliable and seamless user experience.

In summary, the higher cost of a bespoke website is justified by the level of customisation, expertise, advanced features, scalability, quality assurance, and ongoing support it offers. Investing in a bespoke website ensures that you have a unique online presence that aligns perfectly with your brand and delivers outstanding results in terms of user experience and business growth.

Meeting for planning a website project

How much does a bespoke website typically cost?

Determining the cost of a bespoke website can be a wild ride, but let’s shed some light on the value it brings. Firstly, it’s important to note that when we build websites we focus on building blocks rather than limiting you to a fixed number of pages. With this approach, you have the freedom to create as many pages as you need using the blocks we design, ensuring limitless possibilities for your website.

To give you an idea of average costs in the US, Forbes suggests the following ranges based on page types. However, remember that our approach goes beyond page types, allowing for greater flexibility and customisation:

  1. Small Business Website (~16 pages): $2,000 – $9,000
  2. Corporate Website (~75 pages): $10,000 – $35,000
  3. e-Commerce Website (~1,000 products): $5,000 – $55,000

It’s worth mentioning that our focus is not solely on page quantity, but rather on crafting a tailored solution that meets your specific needs and goals. This means we work closely with you to understand your requirements and build a website that scales with your business over time.

Before you dive into cost considerations, we recommend checking out our blog post on “How to choose the right digital agency.” It provides valuable insights to help you make an informed decision and find the agency that aligns with your goals and budget.

A good agency will collaborate with you to break down your project into manageable phases, addressing your immediate needs while keeping future scalability in mind. This approach ensures that you get the most value out of your investment, allowing your website to evolve and grow alongside your business.

So, instead of fixating solely on the cost, focus on the value a bespoke website brings – the ability to create a truly unique online presence, tailored to your needs, and designed for long-term success.

Person planning web design project

How long does it take to build a website?

Understanding the time required to build a website is crucial to managing your expectations. The duration of the process depends entirely on your unique requirements. Let’s dive into it:

For “brochure” websites built from scratch, you can typically expect a timeline of around 4-6 weeks. These websites usually consist of a homepage, a contact page, and a few services or information pages. However, keep in mind that as your requirements grow, so does the complexity and development time of the website.

It’s essential to have open communication with your chosen digital agency regarding timelines and deadlines. If you have more flexibility with timeframes, you can afford to wait longer for a high-quality website. However, if you require a faster turnaround, it may increase the costs involved.

Consider the project management triangle, which visualises the relationship between quality, time, and budget. As you prioritise higher quality, both time and budget may need to be adjusted accordingly. A high-quality website enhances the user experience, expedites the sales funnel, and acts as a valuable team member for lead generation.

project management triangle diagram

In addition to timeframes, there are other crucial factors to consider during website projects:

Content Creation

Developing engaging and informative content for your website is a crucial aspect. This includes writing compelling copy and selecting appropriate images, whether they are stock photos or specially commissioned visuals for your business.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Optimising your website for search engines ensures better visibility and ranking in search results. SEO practices help make your website more discoverable to potential customers, leading to increased organic traffic.

These factors, among others, contribute to the overall process and cost of building a website. By investing in a high-quality website that incorporates content creation, SEO, and other essential elements, you can establish a strong online presence, attract quality leads, and empower your sales team to focus on conversion rather than lead generation.

Remember, building a website is a collaborative effort, and working closely with your digital agency will help ensure a smooth process and a successful outcome.

Two women looking at a website on a laptop

What is the average life of a website?

Understanding the average lifespan of a website is crucial in evaluating the long-term value it provides. On average, a website can be expected to last between 3 and 5 years, coincidentally similar to the lifespan of common gerbils!

However, it’s important to note that the lifespan of a website can vary based on several factors. Technological advancements, design trends, evolving business needs, and the level of maintenance and updates performed all play a role in determining the longevity of a website.

Regular updates and maintenance are key to ensuring your website remains secure, functional, and aligned with the ever-changing expectations of your users. Just as your client base evolves, your website should adapt to their buying trends and preferences.

It’s worth considering that beyond the average lifespan, there may come a time when a significant redesign or redevelopment is necessary to keep your website relevant and effective in meeting your changing requirements.

To stay ahead of the curve, monitoring website analytics and gathering user feedback can provide valuable insights into its performance. By analysing this data, you can identify areas for improvement and determine when a refresh or overhaul is needed to enhance user experience and drive better results.

Investing in a bespoke website ensures that you have the flexibility and control to adapt and update your online presence as needed. With a bespoke website, you have the advantage of working with a digital agency that understands your specific goals and can provide ongoing support to keep your website up-to-date and optimised for success.

So, when considering the costs associated with a bespoke website, it’s important to recognise that it is an investment in the long-term success and relevance of your online presence. By staying proactive and responsive to changing trends and user expectations, you can extend the lifespan of your website and continue to achieve your business objectives effectively.

Happy business man checking out a website

Which pages of a website are most popular?

When it comes to the popularity of website pages, there’s no surprise that the homepage takes the crown. It’s often the most visited and the first impression visitors have of your website.

Considering that you have a limited time to attract and engage visitors, it becomes crucial to allocate your time and resources wisely, focusing on the pages that receive the most traffic. In fact, it’s beneficial to treat every page on your website as a potential landing page.

A well-designed landing page aims to achieve several key objectives:

  1. Capture Attention: The page should immediately grab the visitor’s attention through compelling visuals, captivating headlines, or intriguing content.
  2. Address Problems: Understand the pain points or challenges your target audience faces and address them directly on the page. Show that you understand their needs and concerns.
  3. Provide Solutions: Offer clear solutions to the problems identified, showcasing how your products or services can meet their needs effectively.
  4. Entice and Persuade: Create a desire or demand for what you offer by highlighting unique selling points, benefits, or exclusive offers.
  5. Call to Action (CTA): Guide visitors towards the desired action by providing a clear and prominent call to action. It can be a button, form, or any other element that prompts them to take the next step.
  6. Compel Action: Make the CTA irresistible by emphasising the value visitors will gain or the problem they will solve by taking action. Use persuasive language and urgency if appropriate.

By treating each page as a landing page and implementing these principles, you can create a captivating user experience that maximises conversions and engagement.

To see an example of an effective landing page, check out the following link:

Remember, investing in a bespoke website allows you to prioritise the design, content, and optimisation of the most important pages, especially the homepage. By focusing on attracting and engaging visitors from the start, you can make a powerful impact, increase conversions, and drive the desired outcomes for your business.

Sorting through money

What is the most expensive website ever built?

The cost associated with building websites is often not publicly disclosed, making it challenging to determine the exact answer to this question. While we all love interesting facts, it’s important to note that the expenses involved in website development can vary significantly based on factors such as complexity, functionality, design, and ongoing maintenance. Therefore, pinpointing the most expensive website ever built is a difficult task.

If you’re curious about pricey website domains and the traffic they generate, you may find ProPakistani’s article on the topic interesting. The article highlights that holds the title for the most expensive domain ever purchased at $30 million in 2019. However, it only brings in 88,000 monthly visitors, which is significantly less than the 23.9 million monthly visitors of, purchased for $17 million in 2015.

Just remember that domain name decisions are separate costs that you would need to consider when budgeting for your website.

Thanks for all the info…! But now what?

By understanding what’s important for a bespoke website project, you are setting yourself up for success, as before you’ve even started, your business goals are clear which enables a stronger focus on what you are trying to achieve. 

We’ve covered the awesome advantages of investing in your business, extending your sales team with a high-quality lead-generating website, and even given you some examples of high-converting landing pages so you know what to aim for – it’s time to hand over to you and begin that exciting journey into online business growth! 

If you still aren’t sure how to get started, book a FREE 30-min session with us to talk about your next project.

Our team of website experts have years of experience working on creating websites that convert, and we’d love to help you too. 
